Product Highlights


Chicken Al Pastor

Get your tortillas ready, because we have some incridable Chicken Al Pastor for you. Marinated and oven roasted chicken thighs and some pineapples to complete the feast!
Small: Feeds 2.
Large: Feed 4-5.


Get your tortillas ready, because we have some incridable Chicken Al Pastor for you. Marinated and oven roasted chicken thighs and some pineapples to complete the feast!
Small: Feeds 2.
Large: Feed 4-5.

{"label":"Small","price":null,"image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","allergens":"","calories":null,"protein":null,"carbs":null,"fat":null,"fiber":null,"checked":"small","sugar":null,"sodium":null,"ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingredients_desc":""} {"label":"Large","price":22,"image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","allergens":"","calories":null,"protein":null,"carbs":null,"fat":null,"fiber":null,"checked":"small","sugar":null,"sodium":null,"ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingredients_desc":""}

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Heating & Serving Suggestion


Toss in a preheated skillet until heated through.

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